Plant Care Guide Strelitzia Reginae
What is the Bird of Paradise?
The Strelitzia Reginae, often referred to as the “Crane Flower” or “Bird of Paradise,” is a tropical plant that is most notable for its voluminous, banana-shaped leaves and vibrantly colored flowers. It is considered to be royalty in the world of houseplants, its elegant foliage immediately bringing life to your home.
The Bird of Paradise is a sturdy plant, so as long as you adhere to its care requirements, you should expect swift, bountiful growth. This South American treat is guaranteed to be a central topic of conversation when family and friends stop by your home!
Light Care
The Bird of Paradise enjoys bright, indirect light. Since it is native to tropical regions of South America, it is used to growing without a source of consistent, direct light. Indirect light allows it to grow while avoiding the risk of becoming burnt, which would leave its foliage discolored.
Make sure that you place your plant somewhere that provides indirect light for much of the day, as too little light exposure could lead to complications ranging from stunted growth and discoloration to premature death.
Water Care
Water your Bird of Paradise on a biweekly basis, leaving enough time in between sessions for your plant’s soil to fully absorb the moisture. Avoid watering more often than this, as it could lead to issues such as stagnant pools of water and root rot, which can ultimately be fatal for the plant. It prefers salt-free water, so it is recommended to use distilled water when possible.
To check the water levels of your plant’s soil, place a water meter a few inches into the soil, where it will give you an accurate indication. If you do not own a water meter, stick one finger knuckle-deep into the soil. At this depth, you will be able to accurately account for the soil’s level of moistness.
Food Guide
The Bird of Paradise is incredibly sturdy, and as a result, it does not have strict requirements on the type of soil that it should be provided with. Simply find one that drains well to ensure that no extra water lingers in the soil.
This plant enjoys being fed fairly frequently. During its growing season, provide it with all-purpose liquid feed once per month. Remember that fertilization during the Winter months is unnecessary, as your plant will not be looking to grow as rapidly.
Staff Holy Grail Pro-Tip:
The Bird of Paradise’s allure is almost always tied to the beautiful, crane-like flowers that it is known to produce. In order to get the most bang for your buck here, make sure to adhere closely to a regiment that includes fertilizing twice a month during the growing season and providing it with optimal temperature and light conditions. Then watch its elegant flowers bloom all season long!