Plant Care Guide Ficus Lyrata
What is the Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree?
The Ficus Lyrata, also known as the “Banjo Fig,” is what many would consider to be a “statement” houseplant. It is an extra large plant, growing much taller and wider than many other succulents, and it develops large, glossy leaves. Perfect for use as a bookend to any couch or desk, its deep green leaves will bring some desirable color to your home.
The key to a healthy Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree is a consistent care regimen. This plant thrives on consistency, so it is important that you maintain a reliable watering and fertilizing schedule. If you are able to do that, then expect your plant to look healthy and beautiful all throughout the year!
Light Care
The Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree prefers bright, indirect light. This will allow the plant to grow quickly and effectively, while also helping to avoid some of the burning and discoloration that results from too much direct light. Similarly, too little light could cause the plant to grow much slower, and eventually could lead to its death.
Make sure that you have a space in your home that can provide your Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree with the indirect light that it desires, and avoid spaces that tend to fluctuate daily with the amount of light they offer. Possible locations include spaces near windows and glass doors.
Water Care
Your Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree enjoys being watered on a weekly basis. The larger the plant, the more often they require extra water to adequately moisten their soil. By watering it once a week, you ensure that the soil does not dry up prematurely, keeping your plant growing big and strong. If you notice brown spots on your plant’s leaves, adjust the amount of water that you are giving it, as this can indicate either under- or overwatering.
To check the water levels of your plant’s soil, place a water meter into your soil, where it will give you an accurate indication. If you do not own a water meter, stick one finger knuckle-deep into the soil. At this depth, you will be able to accurately account for the soil’s level of moistness.
Food Guide
Use a well-draining potting soil for your Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree. Houseplants are easily susceptible to the dangers of overwatering, and this plant is no exception. By providing it with soil that drains well, you can safeguard against water pooling and damaging the plant’s roots. Plus, well-draining potting soil also provides your plant with beneficial minerals and other items!
This plant does not require very much fertilizer, so plan on providing it with a mild liquid fertilizer only 1 - 2 times per year, during the growing season. It will mostly grow on its own, but the fertilizer will help to supplement the process. Make sure not to fertilize during the Winter months, as your plant will not require it.

Staff Holy Grail Pro-Tip:
Lighting and placement are key to your Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree’s growth. Setting your plant near a window or skylight is perfect for providing it with a source of indirect light that won’t cause the “burning” damage that you see when dealing with direct light. However, your Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree will begin to bend toward the light over time. Rotate your plant occasionally to preserve its straightened form!